No need to ask, the game is, GREAT!
This is by far the best steampunk, sandbox, mmorpg game Ive played so far.
★ Steampunk, mhm, theyve got it all! Apocalyptic scenery, abandoned shacks, shelters standing across the map.
★The looting, trading systems makes it rad. The rare loots you have to look for makes it challenging. Trading? Sure there may be some flaws to it, so called "being scammed" where players cheat you into buying one of their item for two of your items, and thats when you think if the one who is selling you the item is trying to take one of your loot for free. The game has not yet developed something called "multi item trade". Which Im hoping they would. But Im not too worried about this as Im cautious about my actions.
★Dungeons, Bosses. The difficulty of the dungeons are all laid out for players new or experienced. But one of the dungeon that took my interest was where youll have to team up with your friend, to be able to complete it(may not be it for the experienced players). Bosses, now these are challenging. There are enemy bosses across the world, and it takes effort if you try to take it on alone, many players are required!
★Pvp, players. The salt is real here depends who you run into. The Pvp either turns out to be a friendly battle, or you can look at it as two dogs are fighting over one bone(I intend to avoid those). Players, theres many things to be said here. Theres the light side of them, and the dark side of them. Like reality.
★The Community. Back in 2013 when I joined the game, and as well as joining the game forums. It felt like home back than, when needed help, it was there. I would give this category a 4.5star due to how it has changed Dramatically over time. Since 4 years has passed, I can see what the forums and the game had become, there are some parts I REALLY enjoy about it, and some corners with a couple of leaks. Which we need to fix. But overall, Im loving the community!
Last but not least, its now time for you to get into the game, explore, loot, trade, fight, and dig into it!
R.F.M-Magic about
Deepworld - Sandbox MMORPG, v2.7.0